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     Adlai E. Stevenson School             Winston S. Churchill School
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» Field Trip Instructions 2024-25 (pdf)
» Field Trip Request Form (pdf)
» District Trip Cancellation Form (pdf)
» Requests For Early Pick Up (pdf)
» Request for Supervision at Dismissal Form (pdf)
» Transportation Handbook (pdf)
» Walker Authorization and Release (pdf)





  1. Always be outside 10 minutes prior to the assigned bus time. (Please note:  buses may get to your stop later than normal the first week of school and during inclement weather)
  2. Respect the bus driver.  
  3. Never stand or play in the roadway while waiting for the bus. When possible stand on the sidewalk or your driveway.
  4. Wait for the flashing red lights and for the bus to come to a complete stop before moving toward the bus door.
  5. Form an orderly line for boarding the bus. Do not push.
  6. Students should use the handrail when boarding/exiting the bus.
  7. Move quickly to your seat. Do not stand or move from your seat while the bus is in motion.
  8. Students are required to wear seat belts.  They should be fastened and tight at all times.
  9. Sit facing the front of the bus and talk quietly.
  10. Remain in your seat throughout the ride and keep the aisle clear at all times.
  11. Only ride your assigned bus.
  12. When exiting the bus, walk around the front of the bus and STOP BEFORE CROSSING. 
  13. Grades K-2:  The bus driver MUST see a parent/guardian at the bus stop.  If no parent/guardian is present, the transportation coordinator will attempt to contact both parents.  When possible the driver will finish the route and attempt a second drop-off.  If a parent cannot be reached the driver will return the student to Stevenson School.  It will be the parent/guardian responsibility to pick up their child from Stevenson School.
  14. Bus stops are not intended to be door-to-door. Bus stops can change from year to year.  Do not ask the bus driver to change your stop.  If you have any questions regarding a bus stop, please contact the transportation coordinator.
  15. Violations of any of transportations rules may result in possible suspension of bus privileges.


If you have any questions please contact:

Fairfield Transportation Coordinator - AnnaMaria Karch

973-227-1340 x 2136 (8:00 am – 4:00 pm)

Email:  transportation@fpsk6.org

Emergency phone #: 862-396-0754